your LOVE, made indefinite

Boise, ID + traveling to wherever your adventure takes you

Hey there, I’m Cassidy!

The gal in the One Direction sweatshirt and glasses, that’s me! I am the spirit behind Cassidy Logan Photography. And in case you were wondering who the guy in the beanie on the beach is… that is my husband Seth! He is one of the faces you’ll see behind the camera.

We have so much we would love to tell you, so to get to know a little bit about us please feel free to click that button below :)


What does love make you feel?



Enduring. Selfless. Complete. Adventurous.

When I asked the question, “what does love make you feel?” I was swarmed with an abundance of responses. Each one specific and perfectly encapsulating the unique experience of love. The way love makes you feel may not be the same way love makes the next person feel. Love is complex and ethereal, which is why I find wedding + elopement photography so endearing. The way you love and feel love is worth being captured in an indefinite moment for you to look back on for years to come.

What Brings Us JOY


Small and intimate weddings, focused solely on y’all.


Your adventure, your way! Whether it is out in the woods or downtown!


To proposals, engagements, or just because!